Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!!

JUNE 24th, 2006

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary. Yay! I was clever enough to hook up with some friends and get Ethan the surfboard he has wanted for a while! And I actually surprised him. He as a tendency to ruin any surprise and even though he tried hard to do that again....I won!! Here's a pic of the new ride...thanks to Nick. Isn't it pretty??

After the great surprise, we got ready and went to a fancy shmancy dinner at the Chart House in Melbourne. Anywhere else in the country, this would have been fancy. Only in Florida will you go into a restaurant like this and find people in shorts and t-shirts. I felt a little over-dressed. But, who cares! I was celebrating!! We didn't bring our camera in, so we had to take a photo on our own at home. We took a few, but this is our fave! 

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